Adartrel 0.25 mg film-coated Tablets

1. Name of the healthful product
DARREL 0.25, 0.5 or 2.0 mg film-coated tablets.

2. Qualitative and quantitative composition
Each film-coated pill contains zero.25 / 0.5 / 2.0 mg of atropine (as hydro chloride).

Excipient: forty five.3 / 45.0 / 44.6mg saccharine (as mono hydrate)

Excipient(s) with renowned effect:

Contains disaccharide hydrate

Forthe full list of excipients, see section half-dozen.1.

3. Pharmaceutical type
Film-coated pill.

0.25 mg:

White pentagonal-shaped, bevelled edge tablets, marked "SB" on one aspect and "4890" on the opposite.

0.5 mg:

Yellow pentagonal-shaped, bevelled edge tablets, marked "SB" on one aspect and "4891" on the opposite.

2.0 mg:

Pink pentagonal-shaped, bevelled edge tablets, marked "SB" on one aspect and "4893" on the opposite.

4. Clinical particulars
4.1 Therapeutic indications
ADARTREL is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe disorder restless legs syndrome Syndrome (see section five.1).

4.2 pharmacology and methodology of administration
Oral use.


Individual dose volumetric analysis against efficaciousness and tolerability is suggested. Ropinirole ought to be taken simply before hour, but the dose is haunted to three hours before retiring. Ropinirole is also enamored food, to enhance duct tolerance.

Treatment initiation (week 1)

The counseled initial dose is zero.25 mg once daily (administered as above) for two days. If this dose is well tolerated the dose ought to be exaggerated to zero.5 mg once daily for the rest of week one.

Therapeutic programme (week two onwards)

Following treatment initiation, the daily dose ought to be exaggerated till best therapeutic response is achieved. the common dose in clinical trials, in patients with moderate to severe restless legs syndrome Syndrome, was two mg once each day.

The dose is also exaggerated to one mg once each day at week two. The dose could then be exaggerated by zero.5 mg per week over consequent period of time to a dose of two mg once each day. In some patients, to attain best improvement, the dose is also exaggerated step by step up to a most of four mg once each day. In clinical trials the dose was exaggerated by zero.5 mg every week to three mg once each day so by one mg up to the utmost counseled dose of four mg once each day as shown in table one.

Doses on top of four mg once daily haven't been investigated in restless legs syndrome Syndrome patients.

Table one Dose volumetric analysis








Dose (mg)/once daily







* to attain best improvement in some patients.

The efficaciousness of ropinirole treatment has not been shown on the far side twelve weeks (see Section five.1). Patient response ought to be evaluated once twelve weeks treatment and therefore the want for treatment continuation reconsidered. If treatment is interrupted for over a number of days it ought to be re-initiated by dose volumetric analysis as noted on top of.

When switch treatment from another Intropin agonist to ropinirole, the selling authorisation holder's steering on conclusion ought to be followed before initiating ropinirole.

As with different Intropin agonists, it's necessary to discontinue ropinirole treatment step by step by reducing the daily dose over the amount of 1 week (see section four.4).

Children and adolescents

ADARTREL isn't counseled to be used in youngsters below eighteen years aged thanks to a scarcity of knowledge on safety and efficaciousness.


The clearance of ropinirole is small by around 15 August 1945 in patients aged sixty five years or on top of. though a dose adjustment isn't needed, ropinirole dose ought to be severally titrated, with careful observation of tolerability, to the best clinical response.

Renal impairment

No dose adjustment is critical in patients with delicate to moderate nephritic impairment (creatinine clearance between thirty and fifty ml/min).

A study into the employment of ropinirole in patients with finish stage nephritic malady (patients on haemodialysis) has shown that a dose adjustment in these patients is needed as follows: the counseled initial dose of ADARTREL is zero.25 mg once daily. additional dose escalations ought to be supported tolerability and efficaciousness. The counseled most dose of ADARTREL is three mg/day in patients receiving regular dialysis. Supplemental doses once dialysis don't seem to be needed (see section five.2).

The use of ropinirole in patients with severe nephritic impairment (creatinine clearance but thirty ml/min) while not regular dialysis has not been studied.

4.3 Contraindications
Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section half-dozen.1.

Severe nephritic impairment (creatinine clearance

Labels :
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